We invite you to participate in the XXIII All-Russian Scientific and Technical Conference on Non-Destructive Testing and Technical Diagnostics held as part of the 10th Anniversary International Industrial Forum "NDT Territory 2023". The conference will be held on October 23-25th in Expocentre Fairgrounds (Moscow).
Once in three years the conference becomes a professional ground for sharing knowledge and experience of Russian and foreign scientists and practitioners.
The XXIII All-Russian Conference is devoted to "smart" NDT technologies in the light of the unity of theory and practice. Invited speakers from national NDT societies, leading industry research institutes, state corporations and ministries, manufacturers of equipment and technologies will give presentations on the tasks, problems and achievements, ways of development of NDT and TD systems and methods, and general safety issues.
The conference, along with the traditional issues, will consider the issues of CM and TD in the light of the major trends in science and technology: the development and validation of the models of primary data acquisition, signal processing and primary informative parameters selection, increasing the reliability of the results and the transition from the NDT to CM at all stages of the life cycle of complex infrastructure facilities, as well as their technical diagnostics in a risk-based approach. The prospects of development and implementation of modern NDT, CM and TD devices and systems for complex infrastructure facilities and industries will become one of the key topics for discussion.
There will be a number of panel sessions devoted to methodological issues of digitalization of NDT. A separate section will be dedicated to medicine, life support and human environment as an area of NDT and CM. Traditionally, much attention will be paid to training and ways of assessing knowledge, skills and abilities of NDT specialists. Also, the Conference will consider the creation of new forms and venues for effective international communication of scientists and experts in the field of NDT.
Practical results of implementation of scientific and technological developments at the leading high-tech enterprises of our country and abroad will be considered at the industry sections, their level and trends in equipment development will be evaluated.
Held in parallel with the Conference 10th Anniversary International Forum "NDT Territory" is a key event for specialists and experts in the CIS. The exhibition will feature promising equipment and technologies of NDT, CM and TD. The business program of the Forum will include the final stage of the contest "Defectoscopist 2023", Youth Scientific and Technical Conference, Salon of Innovations, "New Generation" and present the National Award in the NDT and TD and award the winners of graduate qualification paper contest "New Generation" of specialized departments of universities.
We are waiting for you at the XXIII All-Russian Scientific and Technical Conference on Non-Destructive Testing and Technical Diagnostics.
On behalf of Russian Society for Non-Destructive Testing and Technical Diagnostics
Professor Vladimir Syasko