The 22nd Russian National Conference of Non-Destructive Testing and Technical Diagnostics was held from 3 to 5 March in Moscow
RSNTTD Russian National Scientific and Technical Conference takes place once every three years. For more than half a century it has been the most important scientific event in Russia and one of Europe’s most prominent ones attended by the leading scientists, developers and practitioners from many countries.
The conference is a place for Russian and foreign scientists and specialists to exchange knowledge in the spheres of non-destructive testing, technical diagnostics and condition monitoring. Reports on current and perspective issues and objectives were presented at the Plenary Session.
“Prospects and challenges of the fourth industrial revolution for instrument engineering and metrology in the field of NT and TD” (Golubev S.S., Deputy Head of Rosstandart), dedicated to the unification of approaches to the development of smart measuring transducers, communication channels and protocols, intelligent information processing systems with the possibility of self-testing and remote calibration (verification), as well as the system of metrological support for multi-level digital models with the relevant organisational and legal system and engineering infrastructure;
“Modern innovative technologies of non-destructive analysis of objects of fine arts and cultural and historical heritage.” (Mayev R.G., foreign Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences), which summarized the extensive personal experience of studying world-famous works of art in Russia and abroad using advanced NT technologies;
“Digital business transformation as a key to sustainable growth in the digital economy. State support for projects of sectors of economy and the social sphere” (Krymsky I.E., leading adviser to the Digital Technologies Department for the government of the Russian Federation) on a unified approach to starting the process of digital business transformation, which should be considered by every company that sets a goal of successful functioning and development within the digital economy of the future;
“Machine intelligence and complex data analysis within the objectives of non-destructive testing” (Makarenko A.V., associate of the Institute of Control Sciences of the Russian Academy of Sciences) on the deep neural networks capabilities for processing the entire data spectrum of NT and TD upon solving inverse problems, their architecture, and structural and statistical variability.
The conference featured 11 sections on types and methods of NT, as well as on objects and purposes of application: acoustic control, acoustic-emission control, electromagnetic control, control of characteristics and SSS (Stress-Strain State) of materials, non-destructive testing, condition monitoring and Industry 4.0, non-destructive testing in transport, energy sector and civil engineering, digital radiography and computed tomography, automated and robotic control, optical control non-destructive control of composite materials, terahertz and radio wave control.
The sections were moderated by leading scientists from Moscow, Saint Petersburg, Izhevsk, Tomsk, Novosibirsk, Chelyabinsk, and Windsor (Canada). The conference was attended by scientists and practitioners from Russia, as well as foreign participants from Germany, Canada, the Czech Republic, Belarus and a number of other CIS countries.
The achievements and developments of Russian scientists, the professionalism and experience of practitioners in the field of NT and TD are highly valued and have a well-deserved reputation among colleagues around the world.
Traditionally, the VII International Industrial Forum “NDT Territory. Nondestructive testing. Tests. Diagnostics 2020” was held alongside the conference. The forum combined the exhibition of advanced tools and technologies of NT and an extensive business program.The international exhibition is the most comprehensive one in the CIS in the field of testing of materials, methods and devices for non-destructive testing and condition monitoring, as well as engineering in the field of diagnostics. It is the leading platform for manufacturers and consumers of control tools and technologies. Every year, more than 60 companies and 1300 visitors participate in the Forum.
According to the participants’ feedback, the XXII Russian National Conference of Non-Destructive Testing and Technical Diagnostics demonstrated a very high level of scientific reports and discussions, and attracted a large number of specialists from all over Russia.